Saturday, October 13, 2012

Week 5

What I did:
This week I spent a lot of time in the studio drawing, about 9 hours in total. I messed around with making animations on photoshop, 6 hours. I started a new drawing that will be animated which I am taking extra time on because I want it to look complete, 5 hours. I also started creating a more professional website for my graphic design work, 6 hours so far.

What I accomplished/ discovered/ encountered:
I figured out the direction I want to go for my IP project. It will consist of digital illustrations that are slightly animated. Like I have said before, I realized that ambiguity is an important element that I need to incorporate into my work because I think reveling just a enough will create the poetic conversation I am looking work. This will also create some distance between me and my work which is what I was concerned about before. I have also been getting myself ready for potential work opportunities by recreating a professional website which has work that is a bit more commercially marketable. I is hard not to think about the reality of ending school and needing to find job opportunities. Although I am not doing graphic design and such for IP, it was nice collecting work I have done and organizing them for me to actually see what potential I have out side the studio setting.

What is next:
I am going to continue drawing and creating slightly animated images. I am going to the library and check out poetry books and continue writing myself. I am just going to make, make, make!

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