Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 1

What I did:
This week was move in week! I am getting settled into my own personal studio and am making my self right at home. It is also the week that the first project is due. I worked on preliminary sketches for an hour in small scale and large scale. I took references photographs for the drawing I was going to create for 30 minutes. Then I continued onto my final drawing on 18x22 inch paper. The beginning sketch took 2 hours. I worked in charcoal for 4 hours, then erased it all, 30 minutes. I worked in pen for 6 hours. I watched Art 21: Paul McCarthy for 30 minutes. Did some research on Hypochondria for 45 minutes. And I also e-mailed Brian Smith to hopefully access the cadaver at the anatomy lab.

What I accomplished/ discovered/ encountered:
The first project gave me an opportunity to think about what I like about my previous work and what I don't like. I like my style and I like the body. I don't always like myself to be the subject, but maybe focus on a sociological stand point. It made me think critically about what I am trying to accomplish conceptually. I decided that a theme I want to explore is Hypochondria. I know for a fact I should continue my exploration evolving the body. This project for me fell flat because I was repeating elements from past work that I have already explored. It is time to move on to the deeper reasons for why the body fascinates me so much.

What I should do next:
Next week I will do 5 self portraits, research artists who use their body's and the body in art, read up on Hypochondriac disorder, and continue collecting and researching things I am interested in.

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