Saturday, September 29, 2012


small model of possible option number one

Week 3

What I did:
This week I spent a lot of time in the studio. On Saturday I spent five hours drawing. On Sunday I checked out two more books from the library that pertain to hypochondria and hysteria, as well as medieval medical illustrations. I spent two hours looking through these books. Monday I continued to practice my drawing for two and a half hours. Tuesday, we were assigned to think about three options or directs we are leaning towards as our final project and make a model of each. For my first option, I want to create a large panel with many drawings of memories I had as a child, some are real and some are made up by my own imagination as a kid, and stories I have heard from my parents. The drawings will be arranged similarly to a comic book but with out a forced sequence. This project will highlight my drawing style and be a cathartic experience for me. I spend about five hours in total making my first option. My second option involves a collection of home videos from my childhood and creating a composition and narrative with small looping clips of my past. I am still currently work on it, but so far I have spent six hours in total downloading and converting files to edit. My third option involves three dimensional form. I spent three hours last night pouring alginate on my face. None of the pieces came out, so I have to talk to John in the ceramics department to see what I am doing wrong.

What I accomplished/ discovered/ encountered:
I have tackled and learned a lot this week about where I am going in this process. I learned that this time is the best time to make mistakes and not to be afraid of making them. So, I should make and make and make, and then later make decisions. I learned that it is important to do lots of research on what interests me and what influences my work so that my work is more credible, which also open up multiple markets for where my work will fit in the real world.

What is next:
I will continue doing research, making mistakes, diving into different materials and mediums, and keep my mind and eyes open for my next “AH-HA” moment.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This is a drawing I did yesterday.
 It is one of many drawings I will do that will culminate into my own visual language.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Week 2

What I did:
This week I drew 5 self portraits, about 4 hours in total. I read an article on hysteria in the 18th and 19th century and created a collection of interesting thought from my reading, 1 hour. I read about the history of vibrators, 1 hour. I went to the library and checked out 8 books. Some of the books are about artist, drawing technique, graphic design, drawing the anatomy, and others are about medical illustrations in medieval time, poetry on anxiety, and the physiology of hypochondria, totaling my research at 6 hours. I met with Brad Smith and talked with him for a while, 45 minutes, about my interest in going to the cadaver lab. He made me think about a lot of things that I had not thought about. I gessoed 5 panels so I can start painting, 2 hours. I started a journal and have been writing down dreams and memories I had as a child which may become content for my project.

What I accomplished/ discovered/ encountered:
This week was full of worry and discovery. I can feel myself becoming closer and closer to the thing that makes me tick. I have realized that although I know what interests me, I need to start creating a vocabulary for myself in order to communicated what I truly want. Doing research, reading and writing has started an internal dialog for myself, and making connections are the next step that will make my work more profound. I also discovered that I have to start jumping into making. I have been very excited to learn so many new things that the making part has slowed down. The only way I am going to get good at anything is to keep doing it. After talking with Brad Smith, I had a chance to communicated my direction and interests to him and how it is related to the body. I realized that maybe cadavers are not the right direction because they have little resemblance to a live or fresh body, and that my true interest lie in our relationship with our bodies on a physiological and social stand point. This helped put me into the direction of where my research should continue.

What I should do next:
Next, I am going to start painting, collecting more of my thoughts, meet with my sociology professor, and continue reading the books I got from the library.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 1

What I did:
This week was move in week! I am getting settled into my own personal studio and am making my self right at home. It is also the week that the first project is due. I worked on preliminary sketches for an hour in small scale and large scale. I took references photographs for the drawing I was going to create for 30 minutes. Then I continued onto my final drawing on 18x22 inch paper. The beginning sketch took 2 hours. I worked in charcoal for 4 hours, then erased it all, 30 minutes. I worked in pen for 6 hours. I watched Art 21: Paul McCarthy for 30 minutes. Did some research on Hypochondria for 45 minutes. And I also e-mailed Brian Smith to hopefully access the cadaver at the anatomy lab.

What I accomplished/ discovered/ encountered:
The first project gave me an opportunity to think about what I like about my previous work and what I don't like. I like my style and I like the body. I don't always like myself to be the subject, but maybe focus on a sociological stand point. It made me think critically about what I am trying to accomplish conceptually. I decided that a theme I want to explore is Hypochondria. I know for a fact I should continue my exploration evolving the body. This project for me fell flat because I was repeating elements from past work that I have already explored. It is time to move on to the deeper reasons for why the body fascinates me so much.

What I should do next:
Next week I will do 5 self portraits, research artists who use their body's and the body in art, read up on Hypochondriac disorder, and continue collecting and researching things I am interested in.

Monday, September 10, 2012

IP has begun

It is official. My Integrative Projects has begun. It should be quite exciting.